Saturday, January 18, 2014

Lessons from OBS-Water regulation

The body adjusts its water content using its kidney. The kidney controls the volume of urine produced. Anti-Duretic Hormones (ADH) control the functions of the kidney. 

In a hot environment with a low water supply, the brain will detect a lesser amount of water concentration. This will cause ADH to be produced and the kidneys will absorb a lesser amount of water. This means a very small amount of concentrated urine will be passed out. This reduces water loss during excretion. 

This diagram below shows how the body regulates its water concentration when the water concentration falls. 

In a cool environment with sufficient water supply, the brain will detect a hight amount of water concentration. This will cause a smaller amount of ADH to be produced and the kidneys will absorb a smaller amount of water. This means a larger amount of concentrated urine will be passed out. This increases water loss during excretion.

This diagram below shows how the body regulates its water concentration when the water concentration rises.

Source: BBC Standard Grade BiteSize

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